This was like 2 years ago, I was 20 and a virgin. I found this website where you could post things you were looking for, including sex, so I did so, I did not expect to get anything but one night at around 2/3am I received a response, I started chatting with this person and they were a couple looking for a first time threesome.
I was literally shaking from how nervous I was and then we exchanged phone numbers to see if we were real. She was like 25 years old, chubby but good looking really sexy and she was 32, regular British guy, not handsome but not ugly, we agreed to pay my taxi 50/50 and I went there, they received me with the door open, we met and sat down in the living room.
Then we just started talking to break the ice, where were we from, how did they meet etc. After like half an hour I went to the toilet, and when I came back he was giving her oral sex. At this point I didn’t know what to do, I was nor uncomfortable at all of course but I was still like what am I supposed to do, after a couple of minutes they said to go upstairs. But before that they put out a little bag with a white powder (yeah, that kind of powder). They offered but I passed, they did their thing and he went out to smoke a fag, while waiting she started rubbing my dick and hell I was almost shaking of how nervous I was.
After he finished we went upstairs and she started sucking on me while he was fucking her, at some point both of them sucked on me at the same time, that felt amazing, then she ride both of us and we did some double penetration, it all felt amazing and I had a really good experience. Any thoughts??